Bill transactions: advanced features

This page lists some more advanced features of the description language used in bills. The introduction can be found here

Individual prices

If you prefer to list the individual shares that people consume, instead of the total, you can prefix the the price with an asterisk.
If you paid a € 2.2 icecream for Woody and Buzz Lightyear, and two for Mr. Potato Head, you could write:
*2.2 ice cream: Woody, Buzz Lightyear, 2 Mr. Potato Head
or (using abbreviations):
*2.2 ice cream: woody, buzz, 2 mr. potato
or (using shorthands)
w = woody
b = buzz
p = mr. potato
*2.2 ice cream: w, b, 2 p
or (removing optional comma's and spaces):
*2.2 ice cream: w b 2p

The alternative without individual prices would be:
8.8 ice cream: w b 2p


Simply put, everything after a hash symbol (#) is ignored, until the end of the line. So if you feel like explaining everything, this is possible:
# some Toy Story characters:
w = woody        # you know, the cowboy
b = buzz         # he does't fly, but falls with style
p = mr. potato   # everything fits in his belly, even two icecreams!

# the real thing:
*2.2 ice creams: w b 2p # all kinds of flavors

Shorthands for groups

It is possible to define a shorthand for a group of people, using the same syntax as is used for items. In the definition of these shorthands, it is allowed to refer to other (group) shorthands. So all these bills are identical:
IceCreamers = Woody, Buzz, 2 Mr. Potato
*2.2 ice creams: IceCreamers
w = Woody
b = Buzz
p = Mr. Potato
IceCreamers = w b 2p
*2.2 ice creams: IceCreamers
p = mr. potato
ToyStory = Woody, Buzz, p
*2.2 ice creams: ToyStory, p
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